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Welcome to Esk Dance News

Updated: Nov 18, 2022

A BIG WELCOME to all pupils, families and the friends of the Esk Academy of Dancing, Montrose, Scotland.

We are delighted to post this first item in our new Blog, “ESK DANCE NEWS”. This is where you will find the latest announcements of our news, events, and various items of interest.

It has been wonderful to see the Esk Academy up and running again, with everyone looking smart in their dancewear. Now we are back to full strength after all the challenges so many adults and young people have faced during the pandemic, and of course we too had to close for a year during lockdown.

It was also great to see how quickly and happily the pupils adapted to being back. They settled to work with a will, achieving very creditable sets of exam results - but you will hear more about them in another post.

Meantime, over the past year you may have noticed the signs of extensive maintenance and refurbishment work taking place on the Dance Centre inside and out. It is now looking so bright and sparkling in its fresh coats of paint, making it a real pleasure for all of us to work and dance in such surroundings.

Finally, don’t miss the NEWS FLASHES coming soon, with Special Offers just starting, and several new developments about to be unveiled.

To keep up to date with everything, sign up below to have the latest Blog posts delivered directly to your Inbox. (You can Unsubscribe at any time)

Beryl Couper

Principal, Esk Academy of Dancing

Contact Details:

Phone: 07918 936043

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